Didier Lucor

Introduction to Uncertainty Quantification (M2) 2017-2022

Introductory M.Sc. course on Uncertainty Quantification (M2 level) in Analyse, Modélisation, Simulation (AMS), at Université Paris-Saclay.

Didier Lucor

Uncertainty Quantification for Computational Fluid Dynamics (M2) 2009-2019

Introductory M.Sc. course on Uncertainty Quantification for CFD (M2 level) in Mécanique des Fluides, parcours Aérodynamique et Aéroacoustique (MF2A), at Sorbonne Université and jointly with ENSAM.

Didier Lucor

ROMARIN (L2) 2009-2015

Founder of a "teaching-by-learning" module ROMARIN for L2 students in Mechanics at Sorbonne Université whose objective is the design and experimentation of a small underwater ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle) robot for exploration.

Originally in collaboration with MIT and la Fondation Total. Check-up the follow-up: ROMARIN2.